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Travel to England for a Europe Tour - it's much more than a Pub-Crawl!

"Big Ben" is actually a bell within the St Stephen's Tower at the Houses of ParliamentTravel to England and Wales means stately homes with beautiful gardens, ancient castles and Roman remains, soaring mediaeval cathedrals and homely thatched cottages, green rolling countryside and rugged, windswept peaks and dales, historic centuries-old buildings and warm, welcoming pubs.

Castle HowardIt's travelling to where the Industrial Revolution and Trade Unionism were born, where Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth scribbled, and where Drake, Nelson and Cooke learned to sail.

Travel to England is walking through palaces in the footsteps of kings and queens, drinking in the same inns as Dr Johnson and Charles Dickens, and standing on the quayside where the Pilgrim Fathers boarded the Mayflower to sail to America.

Great Tew, CotswoldsIt's being where Oscar Wilde and Whistler traded witticisms, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones outraged our parents, Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital and Keynes revolutionised economics.

In short, travelling to England is a Europe tour that's a whole lot more than a pub-crawl - and the food in England is surprisingly good!

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Our other England and Wales pages:

When to travel to England and Wales for your UK tour

Tour Routes in England and Wales

Events, calendar, holidays and useful facts for your tour of England and Wales

Food in England and Wales: look out for these traditional specialities!

Traditional English Food Specialities: British favourites

English Breakfasts and Afternoon Teas: the quintessential British gastronomic experience!

Daily Newspapers in England (Great Britain)

Brief History Timelines of England and the UK

English Weights and Measures and their equivalents

Clothing and Shoe Size equivalents

Book your sightseeing tours or day-trips in the UK online

Book your hotel in the UK online

Hire a Limousine in London, England

Residential telephone directory England, Business too!

More interesting, fast facts about England


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