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Find a Hungary Phone Number or Phone CodeFinding Hungary phone numbers, both residential and business, and area phone codes is not difficult on line; several telephone directories, including mobile (cell) phone books are available. The Hungary telephone country code is 36. To call from abroad you add the area phone code (1 for Budapest, two digit codes for the rest of the country) and the Hungary subscriber phone number (7 digits in Budapest, 6 digits elsewhere). To call a Hungary phone number from within the country, you have to dial 06 + phone area code + subscriber phone number. There are three Mobile (cell) phone networks: Pannon, T-Mobile and Vodafone Hungary. Free telephone number search ONLINE TUDAKOZO ARANY OLDALAK KOZULETI.COM T-MOBILE VODAFONE PANNON Our other Hungary pages:Travel to Budapest for one of Europe's hidden tour gems! Useful facts, dates and links to help you plan your tour of Hungary When to travel to Hungary, weather, climate and seasons Find a Poland phone number or phone code Book your sightseeing tours or day-trips in Hungary online |