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Family Rooms in Paris HotelsHotels with family rooms in Paris usually don't describe them as such, but simply as triples or quadruples. However, hotels located in the Disneyland Paris area tend to make a point of catering to families, especially during holidays. Most families stay there for three nights or more, some even longer than a week. Paris hotels that do cater to families are likely to have family rooms, triple rooms and interconnecting rooms. They can also add extra beds to these rooms to meet a variety of requirements. But you should note that rooms in Paris hotels tend to be a lot smaller than those in say, the USA, and if you have a lot of luggage you should bear this in mind - it can be a tight fit! Interconnecting rooms are two adjoining rooms with a door between them for four people. The advantage is that parents can take care their children, but keep their privacy at the same time. Triple rooms are usually not very large in Paris hotels, although it is usually possible to put in an extra bed. With an extra bed, triple rooms can be good for families consisting of a couple with two young children. They are cheaper than a family room, even with the extra bed added. Many families take this option even where family rooms are available. Most hotels provide a cot free for young babies. The type of family room options provided can be:
Another option might be to look at renting an apartment for your stay if it's going to be a week or so. To find a hotel in Paris with a family room option search for hotels in Paris selecting three or four people in a room |