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Find a Poland Phone Number, Phone Code or Polish Telephone Directory

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Find a Poland Phone Number or Phone Code

Find a phone number!The Poland country phone code is 48. Polish phone numbers are now (since 30 September 2009) 10 digits, starting with a 0, but you omit the 0 when dialling from outside Poland. The first three digits (beginning with 0) are actually an area phone code, but you must dial them even when calling locally. Note: as this is recent, some of the directories below do NOT show this initial 0.

Mobile (cell) phone numbers are also 10 digits, starting with 05, 06, 07 and 08.

Free telephone number search

This is the White Pages phone book for Poland. It's in Polish, and sometimes (?) the Google toolbar doesn't translate it properly so here's a key:

You have to enter the name of the city (in Polish, for example Warszawa for Warsaw) in "Miasto". "Ulica" is street, but it's not a requirement. Next put in a surname, or company name, in "Nazwisko" and click on the "Szukaj Telefonu" button below it. The results are served up below, and this time the Google translation is useful. You can click on a link to get a map location.

"Nie znaleziono takiego abonenta(ów) w ksiazce" means "not found", "Brak takiego miasta" means "city not found".

For reverse search (search by number), click on the "Szukaj Telefonu" tab at the top. Then enter the area code (such as 22 for Warsaw) in "Numer kierunkowy", and the remaining number in "numer telefonu". Enter the captcha characters shown in the image in "Token", and click on the "Szukaj Telefonu" button below.

Residential white pages for people in Poland. In Polish but the Google toolbar translation works. Otherwise, choose one of the 16 regions (Wybierz) from the list under the map (Warsaw is in Mazowieckie). Enter the surname in "Nazwisko i Imie" and click on "Wyszukaj".

Yellow Pages business directory for Poland. In Polish, plus English, Russian and German (click on language buttons on the top right of their page).

White pages directory for Sferia mobile phone customers, in Polish. For people, select "Podaj dane abonenta", enter surname in "Nazwisko", and click "Szukaj". Scroll down for results. Entering a city in "Miejscowość" is optional.

t Phone book for Plus GSM mobile phone network subscribers.

This site is NOT recommended as they illegally place a Google Ad over the search box to force you to click it before use.
Business white pages, in Polish.
Also for individuals:

Poland business directory classified yellow pages. Only in Polish but Google toolbar translation OK.

Yellow pages classified directory of businesses in Poland. Only in Polish but Google toolbar translation OK.

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Our other Poland pages:

Useful facts, dates and links to help you plan your tour of Poland

When to travel to Poland, weather, climate and seasons

Map of Poland

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