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Patisserie Buhler at 11 rue du Dôme

strasbourg-christmas-market-AJP8655.jpg Ornate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie ChristkindelsmärikOrnate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie ChristkindelsmärikOrnate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie ChristkindelsmärikOrnate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie ChristkindelsmärikOrnate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie ChristkindelsmärikOrnate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie ChristkindelsmärikOrnate decorations on the Notre-dame de StrasbourgThumbnailsPlace Broglie Christkindelsmärik

Patisserie Buhler specializes in kougelhopf and bredele, a Christmas specialty biscuit