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Chanel No. 5 advertisement

musee-de-la-publicite_HLP5061.jpg Chaise aux Cullieres - By adding large wooden spoons to this chair, Dalí surrealistically transforms a functional piece of furniture into something non-functionalThumbnailsChapel where Dalí and other artists used to worship is now used to display a Dalí videoChaise aux Cullieres - By adding large wooden spoons to this chair, Dalí surrealistically transforms a functional piece of furniture into something non-functionalThumbnailsChapel where Dalí and other artists used to worship is now used to display a Dalí videoChaise aux Cullieres - By adding large wooden spoons to this chair, Dalí surrealistically transforms a functional piece of furniture into something non-functionalThumbnailsChapel where Dalí and other artists used to worship is now used to display a Dalí videoChaise aux Cullieres - By adding large wooden spoons to this chair, Dalí surrealistically transforms a functional piece of furniture into something non-functionalThumbnailsChapel where Dalí and other artists used to worship is now used to display a Dalí video

[Musée de la Publicité - Paris Advertising Museum]