Category: Things to See in Sofia

November 24, 2007

St. George Rotunda – Sofia, Bulgaria

Filed under: Things to See in Sofia - 24 Nov 2007

In the courtyard area behind the Sheraton Hotel, can be found St. George Rotunda.  This round red brick church is set among the excavations of ancient roman ruins. …

November 22, 2007

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral – Sofia, Bulgaria

Filed under: Things to See in Sofia - 22 Nov 2007

This massive, awe-inspiring church is one of the largest Eastern Orthodox cathedrals in the world.  Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is a symbol not just of Sofia but of Bulgaria itself and naturally is a top tourist attraction. 

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November 21, 2007

Sightseeing in Sofia, Bulgaria

Filed under: Things to See in Sofia - 21 Nov 2007

Sofia became capital of newly liberated Bulgaria on April 4, 1878 and is the second oldest capital city in Europe, next to Athens.  There is a lot to see and do in this compact city and we started our orientation, following …

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