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Daily Newspapers in England and the rest of the UK

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England: Daily Newspapers

English NewspapersThe British Press is like no other! Here is a brief guide to the characters of the major daily national newspapers that you'll be able to buy all around the United Kingdom. The links are to the online versions of the various papers.

There are also many daily and weekly regional and city newspapers that are well-respected, and will give more detailed local coverage.

Financial Times One of the world's leading business and politics newspapers with a global outlook. Shares, stocks, company results, analysis and city gossip. Some of the articles are only available to subscribers.

Guardian Left of centre top quality daily. Guardian Unlimited is the web version of the daily paper. The Guardian is a left-leaning broadsheet, good at covering social and political issues and international news.

Daily Express Conservative middle-market tabloid.

Independent Daily liberal broadsheet with a wide international coverage.

Mail Tabloid, similar to Daily Express. Has a fairly right-wing slant, large coverage of "women's issues".

Mirror Tabloid, traditionally supportive of the Labour party.

The Morning Star "Daily paper of the left". Formerly the newspaper of the Communist Party.

English Newpaper vendorScotsman Edinburgh-based highly regarded daily.

Star Right-wing tabloid specialising in pictures of underdressed models.

Sun The most popular newspaper in the UK. Rupert Murdoch's tabloid known for its sensational headlines and pictures of topless girls.

Telegraph Well written conservative broadsheet. The Telegraph is a right-leaning broadsheet, traditionally a newspaper of record and is good on international news and offers an alternative to the Financial Times on City reporting.

Times Slightly conservative, the oldest British national daily. The Times is a right-leaning broadsheet owned by News International. Times Online gives free access to today's news.The archive is an invaluable resource.

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