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Allée Georges-Besse, the median strip of Boulevard Edgar Quinet

marche_edgar_quinet_DSC4326.jpg Allée Célestin-Hennion, named after the man credited with modernizing the French police forceThumbnailsAllée Vivaldi, a nice green spaceAllée Célestin-Hennion, named after the man credited with modernizing the French police forceThumbnailsAllée Vivaldi, a nice green spaceAllée Célestin-Hennion, named after the man credited with modernizing the French police forceThumbnailsAllée Vivaldi, a nice green spaceAllée Célestin-Hennion, named after the man credited with modernizing the French police forceThumbnailsAllée Vivaldi, a nice green space

[Marché Edgar Quinet - Paris Street Market - 75014 Paris]