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Statue of Christ

kaiser-wilhelm-memorial-church_AJP7009.jpg Stall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas MarketStall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas MarketStall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas MarketStall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas MarketStall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas MarketStall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas MarketStall selling half-metre long bratwurstsThumbnailsT-shirt stall at the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church Christmas Market

Damaged statue of Christ from the original Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche