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The faithful venerating the Holy Blood

basilica-of-the-holy-blood-DSC9850.jpg The faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gableThe faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gableThe faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gableThe faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gableThe faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gableThe faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gableThe faithful touching the orb of the Black MadonnaThumbnailsThe Falkenhaus gable

[Basilica of the Holy Blood - Basiliek van het Heilig Bloed - Burg Square]