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Full house at Schottenhamel

Schottenhamel-Oktoberfest-tent_AJP_3152.jpg Fischer-Vroni specializes in Steckerlfisch - charchoal-grilled fish on a stickThumbnailsHacker-zelt - the Hacker Oktoberfest tentFischer-Vroni specializes in Steckerlfisch - charchoal-grilled fish on a stickThumbnailsHacker-zelt - the Hacker Oktoberfest tentFischer-Vroni specializes in Steckerlfisch - charchoal-grilled fish on a stickThumbnailsHacker-zelt - the Hacker Oktoberfest tentFischer-Vroni specializes in Steckerlfisch - charchoal-grilled fish on a stickThumbnailsHacker-zelt - the Hacker Oktoberfest tent

[Oktoberfest - Wiesn - Munich - Germany]