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At the Golden Vale Bean a Ti's bake breads and cakes all year round

Bunratty-Folk-Park_AJP8479.jpg At the Eiffel TowerThumbnailsAt the Loch Ness Centre, the Nessie Shop has lots of cuddly NessiesAt the Eiffel TowerThumbnailsAt the Loch Ness Centre, the Nessie Shop has lots of cuddly NessiesAt the Eiffel TowerThumbnailsAt the Loch Ness Centre, the Nessie Shop has lots of cuddly NessiesAt the Eiffel TowerThumbnailsAt the Loch Ness Centre, the Nessie Shop has lots of cuddly Nessies

[Bunratty Folk Park - Bunratty - Co. Clare - Ireland]