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King Haakon Bar

kyleakin_DSC0112.jpg King Djoser - his face mutilated due to gouging out of the inlaid eyes.
[Step Pyramid of Djoser - Saqqara - Egypt]ThumbnailsKing Haakon Bar in Kyleakin, the gateway village to SkyeKing Djoser - his face mutilated due to gouging out of the inlaid eyes.
[Step Pyramid of Djoser - Saqqara - Egypt]ThumbnailsKing Haakon Bar in Kyleakin, the gateway village to SkyeKing Djoser - his face mutilated due to gouging out of the inlaid eyes.
[Step Pyramid of Djoser - Saqqara - Egypt]ThumbnailsKing Haakon Bar in Kyleakin, the gateway village to SkyeKing Djoser - his face mutilated due to gouging out of the inlaid eyes.
[Step Pyramid of Djoser - Saqqara - Egypt]ThumbnailsKing Haakon Bar in Kyleakin, the gateway village to Skye