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Capilla Real: Royal Mausoleums

capilla-real-granada_DSC_8157.jpg Capilla Real:  Gold chest in the Sacristy MuseumThumbnailsCapilla Real:  Royal Mausoleums and AltarpiecesCapilla Real:  Gold chest in the Sacristy MuseumThumbnailsCapilla Real:  Royal Mausoleums and AltarpiecesCapilla Real:  Gold chest in the Sacristy MuseumThumbnailsCapilla Real:  Royal Mausoleums and AltarpiecesCapilla Real:  Gold chest in the Sacristy MuseumThumbnailsCapilla Real:  Royal Mausoleums and Altarpieces

The royal mausoleums of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel and Joanna and her husband Felipe
[Granada - Andalucia - Spain]