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Hall of Honour window

ataturk-mausoleum_AJP0541.jpg Hall of Great Mirrors where large receptions, royal weddings and ambassadorial presentations were held.ThumbnailsHall of Honour's attractive gold coloured ceilingHall of Great Mirrors where large receptions, royal weddings and ambassadorial presentations were held.ThumbnailsHall of Honour's attractive gold coloured ceilingHall of Great Mirrors where large receptions, royal weddings and ambassadorial presentations were held.ThumbnailsHall of Honour's attractive gold coloured ceilingHall of Great Mirrors where large receptions, royal weddings and ambassadorial presentations were held.ThumbnailsHall of Honour's attractive gold coloured ceiling

[Anitkabir - Atatürk Mausoleum - Ankara - Turkey]