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Justice statue on Piazza Santa Trìnita

piazza-santa-trinita_AJP9544.jpg Just south of Aswan, lies this ancient granite quarry with its unfinished obelisk.
[Unfinished Obelisk - Aswan - Egypt]ThumbnailsJWMP9653-watermarkedJust south of Aswan, lies this ancient granite quarry with its unfinished obelisk.
[Unfinished Obelisk - Aswan - Egypt]ThumbnailsJWMP9653-watermarkedJust south of Aswan, lies this ancient granite quarry with its unfinished obelisk.
[Unfinished Obelisk - Aswan - Egypt]ThumbnailsJWMP9653-watermarkedJust south of Aswan, lies this ancient granite quarry with its unfinished obelisk.
[Unfinished Obelisk - Aswan - Egypt]ThumbnailsJWMP9653-watermarked

[Piazza Santa Trìnita - Florence - Italy]