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The clock tower on Piazza Tasso

sorrento-clock-tower_DSC2125.jpg The Clock Tower of the Conciergerie on Boulevard du PalaisThumbnailsThe Clock Tower was built on the foundations of a Roman bastion at the South West angle of the medieval curtain wall
[Cardiff CThe Clock Tower of the Conciergerie on Boulevard du PalaisThumbnailsThe Clock Tower was built on the foundations of a Roman bastion at the South West angle of the medieval curtain wall
[Cardiff CThe Clock Tower of the Conciergerie on Boulevard du PalaisThumbnailsThe Clock Tower was built on the foundations of a Roman bastion at the South West angle of the medieval curtain wall
[Cardiff CThe Clock Tower of the Conciergerie on Boulevard du PalaisThumbnailsThe Clock Tower was built on the foundations of a Roman bastion at the South West angle of the medieval curtain wall
[Cardiff C

[Sorrento - Campania - Italy]