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S. Antonio Abate by Girolamo Campagna. This altar formerly belonged to the goldsmiths' guild

san-giacomo-di-rialto_AJP1572.jpg S-bahn and U-bahn at MarienplatzThumbnailsS. Antonio da Padova by Leandro Gavagnin. This altar formerly belonged to the Oil Vendors' guild.S-bahn and U-bahn at MarienplatzThumbnailsS. Antonio da Padova by Leandro Gavagnin. This altar formerly belonged to the Oil Vendors' guild.S-bahn and U-bahn at MarienplatzThumbnailsS. Antonio da Padova by Leandro Gavagnin. This altar formerly belonged to the Oil Vendors' guild.S-bahn and U-bahn at MarienplatzThumbnailsS. Antonio da Padova by Leandro Gavagnin. This altar formerly belonged to the Oil Vendors' guild.

[San Polo - Venice - Italy]