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Mass of love notes on the wall of Juliet's House

juliet-house_DSC0724.jpg Mason's guildhall on Sint-Niklaastraat. The words 'Plus Oultre' were the motto of Charles V ThumbnailsMaterial being stacked away after the Siena PalioMason's guildhall on Sint-Niklaastraat. The words 'Plus Oultre' were the motto of Charles V ThumbnailsMaterial being stacked away after the Siena PalioMason's guildhall on Sint-Niklaastraat. The words 'Plus Oultre' were the motto of Charles V ThumbnailsMaterial being stacked away after the Siena PalioMason's guildhall on Sint-Niklaastraat. The words 'Plus Oultre' were the motto of Charles V ThumbnailsMaterial being stacked away after the Siena Palio

[Casa di Giulietta - Verona - Italy]