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Brane swears by this Tapas Bar

dubrovnik-restaurant_IMG7397.jpg Brandenburg Gate under renovation, BerlinThumbnailsBrasenose Lane is the last Oxford passageway to retain its medieval single drainage channel in the centreBrandenburg Gate under renovation, BerlinThumbnailsBrasenose Lane is the last Oxford passageway to retain its medieval single drainage channel in the centreBrandenburg Gate under renovation, BerlinThumbnailsBrasenose Lane is the last Oxford passageway to retain its medieval single drainage channel in the centreBrandenburg Gate under renovation, BerlinThumbnailsBrasenose Lane is the last Oxford passageway to retain its medieval single drainage channel in the centre

It's always great to get tips from your guide but on this occasion we gave it a pass. The airconditioner in this small cafe was out of order and hot was blowing out of the cafe.
[Dubrovnik - Croatia]
