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Locanda da Lino ceiling

JGUQ7105-watermarked.jpg Locals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinnerLocals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinnerLocals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinnerLocals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinnerLocals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinnerLocals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinnerLocals, rugged up for the cold, join in the festive shoppingThumbnailsLocanda da Lino Group dinner

Interesting restaurant ceiling decoration

Helen Page