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King Arthur's Great Halls

King-Arthurs-Great-Halls_DSC_1893.jpg King Arthur's Great HallsThumbnailsKing Ay, as a priest, performing the Opening of the Mouth ritual for Tutankhamen.
[Valley of the Kings - Egypt]King Arthur's Great HallsThumbnailsKing Ay, as a priest, performing the Opening of the Mouth ritual for Tutankhamen.
[Valley of the Kings - Egypt]King Arthur's Great HallsThumbnailsKing Ay, as a priest, performing the Opening of the Mouth ritual for Tutankhamen.
[Valley of the Kings - Egypt]King Arthur's Great HallsThumbnailsKing Ay, as a priest, performing the Opening of the Mouth ritual for Tutankhamen.
[Valley of the Kings - Egypt]

[Tintagel - Cornwall - England]