בית / Ukraine / Yalta

חפש בקבוצה זו

According to one legend, Yalta was founded by the ancient Greeks, who during their long travels across the Black sea were joyous at sighting land and cried out 'Yalos! Yalos!' meaning coast. During the 19th century, Russian tsars and their entourage flocked to Yalta to enjoy its warmer climate and to seek cure for consumptive family members. As such, Yalta has its share of grand palaces which we are fortunate to be able to visit this day. Today, Yalta is recognized as the capital of Crimean resorts and the riviera of the Ukraine. It's deep harbour and mediterranean climate bring cruise liners into Yalta Bay and with them, thousands of tourists seeking sun, sea and the excitement of a new destination. Yalta is 'sun city' and claims to have as many sunny days as Nice, Monaco, Antalia, and Venice. However, Yalta is not only about sun and sea. Underneath its resort facade, Yalta is also known to be 'a political summer capital of the Ukraine’. Many international summits, seminars, conferences and symposiums are held at its famous Livadia Palace. Those interested in history will undoubtedly know about the Yalta Convention where Stalin, Churchill and Rooseveldt plotted on how to carve out post-war Europe. There are lots to see and do in Yalta in these albums and the ones on Alupka Palace, Livadia Palace and Swallow's Nest we show you some of what Yalta is really like.