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The name Les Deux Magots (two Chinese figurines) originates from a novelty shop that once occupied the premises

les-deux-magots-Paris_Helen0197.jpg The busy bar at Café La PaletteThumbnailsThere are many famous burials at Eglise St-Germain des-Prés,including the tomb of René DescartesThe busy bar at Café La PaletteThumbnailsThere are many famous burials at Eglise St-Germain des-Prés,including the tomb of René DescartesThe busy bar at Café La PaletteThumbnailsThere are many famous burials at Eglise St-Germain des-Prés,including the tomb of René Descartes

[Les Deux Magots - Saint-Germain des Prés - Paris]